Ben Stiller, the renowned actor with a career spanning 36 years, has recently opened up about the challenges of balancing his work and family life. In a heartfelt interview with Esquire, Ben revealed that his 20-year-old daughter, Ella Stiller, believes he wasn’t present enough during her childhood.

“It’s difficult to hear,” Ben admitted. “She’s quite vocal about it, and sometimes she says things I don’t want to hear. It’s a challenge because I saw my own parents, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara, struggle with the same issue.” Ben had always promised himself he would be different, but as life unfolded, he found himself navigating the delicate balance between his ambitions and his family.

Ella Stiller was born in 2002 to Ben and his wife, Christine Taylor. While Ben’s career skyrocketed to legendary status, starring in hit films like Meet the Parents, Zoolander, and Night at the Museum, Ella yearned for more of her father’s presence. In an interview, Ben shared, “I’ve discovered that your children aren’t keeping track of your career. What they want is an emotionally engaged and supporting parent.”

Realizing the importance of being there for his children, Ben has started including them more in his life. In recent years, he has been spotted at red-carpet events with Ella, shining a spotlight on their growing bond. From attending the 2022 Emmy Awards together to walking the red carpet at various galas and award ceremonies, Ben has made a conscious effort to prioritize his family.

As Ben reflects on his journey, he acknowledges that being a parent means focusing on being emotionally present for his children. “It’s something I’m becoming more conscious of as I get older,” he admitted. While his career continues to thrive, Ben aims to strike a better balance, ensuring that his children feel seen, heard, and supported.

Despite his success, Ben does not push his children to follow in his footsteps. Ella and her younger brother, Quinlin, have dipped their toes into acting as they appeared in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb. However, Ben respects their individual choices and encourages them to pursue what truly makes them happy.

In the end, Ben’s journey reminds us that finding harmony between our passions and responsibilities is a lifelong endeavor. With love, understanding, and a willingness to adapt, we can create meaningful connections with our loved ones, no matter the demands of our careers.