Alyssa Milano, the beloved actress, faced criticism recently for attending this year’s Super Bowl with her 12-year-old son, just a month after asking for donations to support her son’s baseball team. As the Kansas City Chiefs celebrated their victory against the San Francisco 49ers, Milano’s presence at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas did not go unnoticed.

Netizens quickly took to social media, expressing their discontent over Milano’s ability to afford Super Bowl tickets after requesting financial assistance from her fans. In January, Milano shared a GoFundMe page, aiming to raise $10,000 to fund her son’s baseball team’s trip to Cooperstown, New York.

The backlash was swift, with some criticizing Milano’s request for donations, given her reported net worth of $10 million and her husband’s occupation as a CAA agent. The comments on social media were less than kind, with one user stating, “I remember when raising money for an extracurricular trip actually meant EARNING money for the trip. Kids actually working for it.”

The controversy continued to swirl as Milano’s Super Bowl appearance drew further criticism. People questioned how she could afford tickets to the game while asking for donations for her son’s team. Frustration filled the comments on social media platforms, with one user asking, “Is this why you created the GoFundMe? To get you and your kid to the Super Bowl?”

In response to the backlash, Milano released a statement defending her actions. She explained that like many parents, she sought financial assistance for her child’s sports team through a crowdfunding platform. While she acknowledged that she would have loved to personally cover the expenses, she expressed her inability to do so at the moment. Moreover, she addressed the needless attacks on her son’s Instagram page, urging critics to leave the children alone and let them enjoy playing baseball.

The whole situation highlights the challenges faced by parents who try to support their children’s extracurricular activities. Donations for school trips and other expenses have become increasingly common as costs rise. While some may judge Milano’s actions, it’s important to remember that different circumstances shape each family’s choices.

What are your thoughts on Alyssa Milano’s fundraiser for her son’s baseball team? We would love to hear your opinions in the comments section below.