Can you imagine your neighbor dropping off their 6 kids at your house and saying they will be back in a few days? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one woman, and she turned to the Reddit community to ask if she did the right thing by calling Child Services.

The woman, who we’ll call OP, explained that her neighbor had a way of convincing people to babysit her children. Despite normally saying no to such requests, OP had been tricked into babysitting in the past. So when the neighbor showed up at her door again, OP pretended not to be home. But the neighbor persisted and eventually convinced OP to let her in.

The neighbor quickly explained that she would be back on Sunday and that a cab was waiting for her. OP tried to refuse, but the neighbor ran off and left her 6 children behind. unsure of what to do, OP reached out to the neighbor and told her she had 40 minutes to come pick up her kids or Child Services would be called. But the neighbor said she couldn’t come back in such a short time because she was already out of town.

Faced with no other options, the neighbor suggested dropping the kids off at another neighbor’s place, Jennifer, who was 68 years old and in fragile health. OP didn’t feel comfortable with that idea and let the neighbor know that if she didn’t come pick up the kids within 10 minutes, they would be taken by Child Services.

The neighbor responded with anger and threatened OP. This pushed OP to take action. She called Child Services and let them know about the situation. The police also got involved, as they often accompany Child Services in cases like this.

While OP was convinced she did the right thing, her husband, who had been in foster care as a child, was angry with her. He accused her of separating the mother from her children and not giving her enough time to come get them before involving authorities.

This situation left OP feeling conflicted. She wondered if she should go back to Child Services and explain that maybe she overreacted or that it was a misunderstanding. She also expressed concern for the children’s well-being in foster care, as her husband shared some negatives experiences from his own time in the system.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Should OP have handled it differently? Let us know your opinion and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook.