Tessa Evans, born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, defies the odds every day. She was born without a nose, a condition so rare that there are fewer than 100 documented cases worldwide. But that hasn’t stopped Tessa from living life to the fullest and capturing the hearts of people around the globe.

Tessa’s parents were surprised and taken aback when she came into the world without a nose. They had a normal pregnancy with no indications of any abnormalities. Tessa was diagnosed with a condition called Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS), which meant she didn’t have sinuses or a sense of smell. But despite these challenges, Tessa’s parents have always admired her delightful personality and unwavering bravery.

Living with BAMS has its difficulties, but Tessa doesn’t let it hold her back. She can still cough, sneeze, and even catch a cold. Tessa became the first person to receive nasal implants when she was just two years old, giving her the missing feature she was born without. This groundbreaking procedure was done at such a young age to spare her from more extensive surgeries in the future.

Tessa’s parents faced a tough decision when it came to the surgery. They knew their daughter was perfectly beautiful just the way she was, but they also wanted to make her life easier in the long run. So they chose to move forward with the surgery, gradually refining Tessa’s appearance over the years and normalizing her profile without major facial alterations.

The transformation of Tessa’s face will be complete when she reaches her teenage years. The process involves intricate steps, including a medical tattoo artist adding light and shadow to create the finer contours of her nose. Dimples will also be created in the nostrils and shaded to look authentic. It’s a long journey, but Tessa’s parents are hopeful and optimistic.

Throughout this journey, Tessa’s mother, Grainne, has been her biggest supporter. Leaving Tessa’s side each night during the recovery process was emotionally challenging for her, but she found solace in knowing she was just a phone call away. Grainne treasured the assurance that she would be there for Tessa when she woke up the next day.

Despite setbacks, including having one implant removed, Tessa remains resilient and cheerful at 10 years old. She’s excited for her new nose and knows that her condition won’t hold her back from anything. While she can’t smell delightful scents, she finds joy in not being able to smell the stinky ones.

As Tessa continues to grow older, her spirit shines even brighter. Grainne is constantly amazed by her daughter’s love for life and unwavering bravery. Seeing Tessa’s reaction when she first saw her new nose in the mirror was priceless. Tessa looked at her mother with a huge grin and said, “Mommy, I love my new nose.”

Tessa’s journey is both challenging and inspiring. She is a beacon of strength and radiance, capturing the hearts of everyone she meets. Her condition doesn’t define her; she is a truly extraordinary girl. Let’s share Tessa’s story with all our friends and be inspired by her resilience and love for life.