I recently found myself in a sticky situation with my partner’s family. We had been together for almost four years, and I thought that we all got along well. We would spend holidays together and exchange presents. But then, during a family vacation, I discovered that they didn’t feel as close to me as I had thought.

You see, every year, my partner’s family goes on a trip together. This year, I was excited to join them and even offered to cover my own expenses. But when I asked my future mother-in-law if I could come along, she said no. Her reason? I wasn’t considered a part of the family. Ouch.

I was confused and hurt by this rejection. When I talked to my partner, he tried to downplay it by saying that I wasn’t the only significant other who wasn’t invited. But that didn’t make me feel any better.

As the family went on their trip, I stayed home, feeling left out and upset. But I wasn’t going to let this slide. I wanted them to understand how hurt I felt, so I came up with the perfect revenge plan.

A few months later, as autumn arrived, I decided to invite my partner’s family over to our place for a special dinner. I prepared a delicious meal, including my secret family chili recipe that everyone loved.

During dinner, my future mother-in-law asked if she could have the recipe. But I politely declined, explaining that it was a family secret. She then said, “But aren’t we a family?” That’s when I snapped back, “Well, according to you, we’re not.”

The room fell silent. My future mother-in-law seemed taken aback, and without saying another word, she left. My partner was furious with me for what I had said, and we didn’t speak for days. But deep down, I knew I had stood up for myself.

I turned to Reddit to seek advice on the matter, and to my surprise, many people took my side. They couldn’t believe that after four years, my partner’s family didn’t consider me family.

One Reddit user shared their own experience, saying that after just three months of dating, their partner’s mother invited them into the family. They couldn’t imagine being in my shoes and suggested that I reassess my status in the relationship.

Another user pointed out that it wasn’t about the meal or the trip, but how my partner’s family saw me. They thought it was important to have a conversation with my partner about the situation and seek couples counseling if needed.

In the end, I realized that I had learned something important about my partner and his family. It wasn’t a pretty discovery, but it helped me see things clearly. If my partner was okay with accepting their exclusion of me, then maybe this relationship wasn’t meant to last.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation with your partner’s family? Share your experiences with your loved ones and let’s discuss how to handle these delicate family matters.