Melissa Gilbert, beloved for her role in the iconic TV show “Little House on the Prairie,” has found solace far away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood. Alongside her husband Timothy Busfield, she has traded the glitz and glamour for a simpler, more fulfilling life in the tranquil Catskills. Let’s take a closer look at how this Hollywood starlet ended up in this idyllic location.

Finding Love and Healing

Gilbert’s life took an unexpected turn when she met Busfield at a bar. Initially, all they sought was a quiet evening with some sports and pizza, but fate had other plans. Their friendship gradually blossomed into something more, and in 2013, they tied the knot. Gilbert’s love for Busfield wasn’t the only reason for her change of scenery; it was also a chance for her to heal and rebuild herself after enduring medical challenges.

A Fresh Start in Michigan

Upon marrying Busfield, Gilbert made the brave decision to move to Michigan. This move was not solely for love but also for her well-being. After undergoing spine surgery, she needed a space where she could focus on her health and her son, Michael Garrett Boxleitner. The divorce from her previous husband had taken its toll, and Busfield encouraged her to leave the past behind and start afresh.

Transforming a Dilapidated Cottage

In 2018, Gilbert and Busfield stumbled upon a ramshackle cottage in the Catskills. Despite its dismal condition, they saw the potential of turning it into their dream home. The restoration process was daunting, with mold, rats, clogged plumbing, and remnants of the previous tenants posing challenges.

Undeterred, they wielded their determination and breathed new life into the cottage. They added vintage red vinyl chairs, a cozy farm table, and refurbished cabinets, creating a cozy and eccentric atmosphere. Quirky touches like Donald Duck figurines and Coca-Cola syrup bottles added personality to their new abode.

Embracing a Back-to-Nature Lifestyle

Living in the serene Catskills has rekindled Gilbert’s love for the outdoors. She embraces a natural lifestyle, tending to her own fruits and vegetables and reveling in the tranquility of living on the outskirts of town. In her newfound sanctuary, she finds solace in everyday activities like taking care of her chickens and tending to her home. Gilbert has even transformed a loft into a music room, where she can indulge in her passion for music and art.

Cherished Furniture and Blissful Moments

Amidst their journey, Gilbert and Busfield initially had different opinions on furniture choices. However, as time passed, they discovered a shared love for their trusty brown recliner and grandpa chair. These pieces have become constants in their humble abode, representing their harmonious home and the blissful moments they share together.

A Bittersweet Departure

While Gilbert now leads a fulfilling life in the Catskills, she admits that she still pines for the family she left behind in Los Angeles. Despite the occasional longing, her retreat to the countryside has provided her with the peace and contentment she craved.

Melissa Gilbert’s story reminds us of the power of change, love, and embracing simplicity. Sometimes, it’s in the quieter moments that we find true fulfillment and happiness.