As we grow older, it’s natural to want to maintain our independence. While having family nearby is comforting, many of us prefer to have our own private space. Merle, a woman living in Victoria, Australia, faced this dilemma. She wanted to be close to her family, but also desired a home that met her aging needs. Thankfully, her daughter Ferne, a talented tiny house designer, stepped in to create a beautiful and functional home for her mom.

Ferne had designed many stunning homes before, but this one was different. It was a labor of love, specifically tailored to meet Merle’s unique requirements. The 23.5 x 8 ft home was designed with accessibility in mind. Wide entrances with ramps made it easy for Merle to navigate, ensuring her mobility and freedom.

Every detail of the house was carefully considered. The kitchen countertops were built at a height that suited Merle perfectly. Handrails were strategically placed throughout the house, providing extra support and balance for Merle as she moved around. Ferne truly thought of everything to ensure her mom’s safety and comfort.

But it wasn’t just the practical aspects of the house that made it special. The home also boasted a beautiful patio and a picturesque view of a nearby farm. Ferne even made sure that the roof and walls provided good insulation, keeping Merle warm and cozy during the winter months. Insect screens were installed to keep those pesky critters out, and a motorized screen at the entrance ramp made it effortless for Merle to raise or lower it at the press of a button.

Ferne made sure her mom felt involved in the design process. Merle had the freedom to choose the colors and designs for the interior, making the space truly her own. The timber look that Merle selected gave the home an open and inviting feel. Underfloor heating was also installed, as Ferne knew it would be greatly appreciated by elderly individuals like Merle.

One of the coolest features of the house was Merle’s bed. With just a push of a button, the bed could be lifted to the ceiling during the daytime, creating more space in the room. The cleverly designed cabinets and drawers were placed strategically within easy reach, ensuring that Merle could access everything she needed without any hassle.

Merle finds her new home incredibly easy to navigate, even with a walker. Her bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are all conveniently within reach, allowing her to move about stress-free. It’s truly a dream come true for her, and she believes it’s the best gift her daughter has ever given her.

Ferne’s work on her mom’s house is truly outstanding. The design seamlessly blends practicality with aesthetics, creating a space where Merle can age gracefully without compromising on style. Both Merle and Ferne agree that everything is perfect, and it’s hard to disagree. Take a full tour of Merle’s brilliantly-designed home in the video below.

So, if you’re ever faced with the challenge of creating a home that caters to the needs of an aging loved one, take inspiration from Ferne’s exceptional design. With careful thought and consideration, it’s possible to create a space that allows your loved ones to maintain their independence while providing the comfort and safety they deserve.