As we age, the comfort of having our family close becomes increasingly important. But, many of us still want to maintain our independence and not rely on others for everything. Meet Merle, a woman who moved back to Victoria, Australia to be near her family as she got older. However, she also desired to live in her own private home.

That’s when her daughter, Ferne, a talented tiny house designer, stepped in to create a home that catered to her aging mother’s unique needs. While Ferne had constructed many beautiful homes before, this one held a special place in her heart. It was designed with utmost care and love, specifically for Mom.

Measuring 23.5 x 8 ft, the stunning home was built to be easily accessible and mobility-friendly for Merle. Wide entrances with ramps were installed, ensuring effortless movement around the house. Even the kitchen countertops were tailored to accommodate Merle’s height. The design also took into account any potential changes that might come with her age. Handrails were strategically placed along the walls, providing support for balance.

Ferne left no stone unturned when it came to the brilliant design of the home. Even the beautiful patio was designed to be easily dismantled if they ever decided to move or sell. However, with the picturesque farm surrounding them, it’s hard to imagine them ever leaving. Merle can enjoy the breathtaking views every day, adding an extra touch of joy to her life.

To make sure her mother is comfortable year-round, Ferne ensured that the roof and walls of the house provide excellent insulation, keeping winters trouble-free. Additionally, screens were installed to keep insects from entering – a necessity in Australia. The main screen at the entrance ramp is even motorized, making it incredibly convenient for Merle to raise or lower it with just the push of a button.

Ferne wanted Merle to feel truly at home, so she let her choose the colors and designs for the interior. The result? A house that reflects Merle’s style and personality. Opting for a timber look added to the open and spacious feel of the home.

One of the standout features of Merle’s new home is her bed. With just the push of a button, it can be lifted to the ceiling during the daytime, creating more space. The motor that operates the bed runs on a 12-volt battery, with channels built into the wall for a seamless and clutter-free design.

Cabinets were cleverly incorporated into the walls, while drawers were placed in easily accessible spaces for Merle’s convenience. With her walker, Merle finds it easy to navigate around the house. Her bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are all within reach, allowing her to move around stress-free – an important aspect for someone her age.

Merle expresses that the house is the best gift her daughter has ever given her. And we can see why! Ferne truly outdid herself with the design of her mom’s new home. It not only meets all of Merle’s practical needs but is also a stunning and eye-catching space.

Merle and Ferne couldn’t be happier with the final result – and we couldn’t agree more. Watch the video below for a complete tour of Merle’s beautifully designed granny pad! Don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your friends and family.