Ozzy Osbourne Most Recent Update - Daily Stories

Ozzy Osbourne, the iconic rock star, revealed his battle with Parkinson’s disease in 2020, although he was diagnosed back in 2003. Unfortunately, his health has taken a turn for the worse recently.

During an interview on his SiriusXM station, Ozzy Speaks, Osbourne shared his latest health setback. He underwent a procedure to address blood clots in his legs by having a filter inserted in his artery. While the filter has been removed, his health struggles persist, leaving him feeling disappointed and in constant pain.

Despite his pain, Osbourne chooses to distance himself from relying on pain medication. On July 10, 2023, he took to social media to provide an update on his health and the impact it has on his decision to perform. Osbourne originally planned to return to the stage in the summer of 2024, but he couldn’t resist the opportunity to play at the California Power Trip Festival in October 2023.

Regrettably, Osbourne recently announced that he will not be able to perform in October either. He explained that his body is not yet ready, and he wouldn’t want his first show in nearly five years to be anything less than spectacular.

While Osbourne will be absent from the stage, he assured his fans that the show will go on, with a band composed of close personal friends of his. He expressed his gratitude to his supporters for their unwavering loyalty and urged them to stay tuned for the announcement of the replacement band.

Despite his determination to return to performing, Osbourne is also making plans for retirement. In 2023, he revealed his doubts about scheduling future tours, acknowledging his concerns about executing them successfully.

Now the question arises: Do you think Osbourne will ever recover enough to perform on stage again, or do you believe his touring days are over?