School can sometimes be a little dull, right? We’ve all had those moments when a class just seemed to drag on and on. Well, let me share a funny story that will definitely put a smile on your face. This story revolves around a young girl named Mary Margaret and the unexpected turn of events that took place in her Catholic school.

Mary Margaret wasn’t exactly the most attentive student in her class. In fact, she had a tendency to doze off during lessons. So, you can imagine the surprise when one day, her nun teacher called on her while she was fast asleep.

“Tell me, Mary Margaret, who created the universe?” the nun asked, trying to rouse her from her slumber.

But Mary Margaret remained undisturbed by the question. Sensing the need for some assistance, her friend Johnny, who sat behind her, had a mischievous idea. He took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear, hoping to wake her up.

In an instant, Mary Margaret jolted awake and belted out, “God Almighty!”

Much to the nun’s amusement, she responded, “Very good, Mary Margaret,” and continued with the class.

A little while later, the nun posed another question to Mary Margaret. “Who is our Lord and Savior?” she asked, hoping to engage the drowsy student.

Once again, Mary Margaret remained in a blissful slumber. But, ever the loyal friend, Johnny stepped in and gave her another poke. Instantly, Mary Margaret woke up and exclaimed, “Jesus Christ!”

The nun, impressed by her correct answer, smiled and said, “Very good, Mary Margaret.” And just like that, Mary Margaret drifted back into her world of dreams.

Thinking she had found a way to keep Mary Margaret engaged during the class, the nun proceeded with another question. “What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?”

Once again, Mary Margaret was not awake to respond. This time, Johnny decided to give her a more forceful nudge. Surprisingly, Mary Margaret jumped up, wide awake, and shouted, “If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I’ll break it in half!”

The shocking response caught the nun off guard, causing her to faint in disbelief.

And that, my friends, is how a sleepy day in Catholic school turned into a memorable and hilarious moment. Just imagine the laughter that must have erupted in the classroom!

If you enjoyed this little tale, why not share it with your family and friends on Facebook? We all need a good laugh, and this story is sure to bring a smile to their faces too.